Indicators of hospital activity for continuous and day hospitalizations, based on a standard discharge data set, reported to the National Institute for Health Services Management by all hospitals with service contract with the social health insurance houses, grouped according to DRG classification. The database allows the access to the following indicators: frequency of cases (absolute numbers and percentages, total and by acute/chronic hospital departments), number of days of hospitalization (total, respectively by acute and chronic departments), average length of stay - ALOS (separated by acute and chronic departments). ALOS is calculated as the average of the individual hospitalization durations of discharged cases, resulting from the difference between the Discharge Date and the Admission Date. The indicators described above are calculated on two levels of classification of discharged cases according to pathology: by major diagnostic category (MDC) or by diagnostic group (DRG) - here the relative values related to each DRG group are also included in the report. The indicators can be displayed grouped by MDC or by DRG at national level or according to several levels of aggregation: the county of residence of the patient, the hospital county, the patient's Health Insurance House (CAS), the specialty (department) or by each hospital.
Order of the Minister of Health and the President of the National Health Insurance House no. 1782/576/2006 regarding the registration and statistical reporting of patients who receive medical services under the regime of continuous hospitalization and day hospitalization, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 14 of January 9, 2007, with subsequent amendments and additions.
Contract of the National Institute of Health Services Management with the National Health Insurance House.
Free access through user defined form for customized interrogation of indicators database.
National Institute of Health Services Management, Str.Vaselor 31, 021253 Bucuresti, sector 2, Romania