COVID-19 mortality data for Wales. Similar to the usual Annual deaths extract (SAIL Databank), except this dataset contains additional information with relevance to deaths where Covid-19 is attributable.
Apply to the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage SAIL databank - https://saildatabank.com/
Person NHS number
Data provision is free from SAIL. Overall project costing depends on the number of people that require access to the SAIL Gateway, the activities that SAIL needs to complete (e.g. loading non-standard datasets), data refreshes, analytical work required, disclosure control process, and special case technological requirements.
The SAIL Databank is powered by the UK Secure e-Research Platform (UKSeRP). Following approval through safeguard processes, access to project-specific data within the secure environment is permitted using two-factor authentication.
2, Technium, Kings Rd, Swansea SA1 8PH, United Kingdom