Statistical reports from all medical institutions in Latvia according to their medical activity (ambulatory and inpatient work, medical staff, radiology, dentistry, abortions, medical tourism, emergency medical assistance, etc.)
Statistics Law, availabe online: https://likumi.lv/ta/en/en/id/274749-statistics-law;
Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No.720 "Regulations on the official statistical reports in the field of health care” (November 27, 2018) https://likumi.lv/ta/id/303520-noteikumi-par-oficialas-statistikas-veidlapu-paraugiem-veselibas-aprupes-joma;
Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers ''Regulations on the Official Statistics Program '' https://likumi.lv/ta/id/328181-noteikumi-par-oficialas-statistikas-programmu-2022-2024-gadam
State funding
Official statistics is available on the online database (without restrictions) https://statistika.spkc.gov.lv/pxweb/en/
Special data requests should be sent at pasts@spkc.gov.lv
Statistics Law, available online: https://likumi.lv/ta/en/en/id/274749-statistics-law
Personal Data Processing Law, available online: https://likumi.lv/ta/en/en/id/300099-personal-data-processing-law
Law on the Rights of Patients, available online: https://likumi.lv/ta/en/en/id/203008-law-on-the-rights-of-patients
23 Duntes street, c-5, Riga, Latvia, LV 1005