Within the framework of the Quality Assurance in Home Care (QSPG), recipients of long-term care allowance who are cared for in their home environment are offered free and voluntary home visits by appropriately trained certified health care workers (DGKP) in Austria on behalf of the Ministry of Social Affairs. The QSPG is now located at the Social Insurance for the Self-Employed as a competence centre for all three care allowance decision-makers.
The aim is to ascertain the actual care situation utilizing a standardised situation report through personal contact with the people in need of care and their relatives and, if necessary, to provide the necessary counselling to ensure the best possible framework conditions for everyday care.
If there is a need for information in the field of care, the DGKP proposes a qualified solution or a solution approach on-site.
During the home visits, which are currently completed by about 200 DGKP, the focus is exclusively on providing help and not on checking the classification of the care allowance or the legal status of the person providing care.
Aggregated data at the federal state level on home visits in care are available on the website of the Austrian Social Insurance.
Dachverband der Sozialversicherungsträger, 1030 Vienna, Kundmanngasse 21, AUSTRIA