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European initiatives in health information and public health
Wed, 06/02/2021 - 10:25
Sante publique France, the French Health Data hub and Sciensano are organizing a virtual event entitled: “Strategic European initiatives in health information and public health in relation to the European Health Data Space (EHDS): InfAct, PHIRI, DIPoH and TEHDaS” on the 3rd of June from 14.00 to 17.15 CEST.
Agenda of the meeting and biographies
Presentations of the meeting:
- Paving the way for the Distributed Infrastructure on Population Health (DIPoH), Petronille Bogaert
- Demonstration of the European Health Information Portal, Hanna Tolonen
- Exploring the determinants of the severity of long-term health outcomes of SARS-COV2 infection, Laure Carcaillon & Romana Haneef
- Support of Santé Publique France and the French Health Data Hub for DIPoH, Anne Gallay &
- French Health Data Hub & outlook for DIPoH, Emmanuel Bacry
- The legal framework of the European Health Data Space, Isabelle Chatelier
- TEHDaS as a federative European instrument around the secondary use of health data, Markus Kalliola
- The French Health Data Hub and TEDHaS, Louisa Stüwe
- The role of public health institutes in the European Health Data Space, Christian Léonard
- Next steps and perspectives: the EU4Health programme and beyond, Georgios Margetidis
We look forward to your participation.
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Phiri news pubdate
Updated on 11 October 2021