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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on August 4, 2022
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SAVE THE DATE - Towards foresight informed policy making - PHIRI sustainability workshop on foresight & policy Barthelemy.Mor… Wed, 07/13/2022 - 12:00

PHIRI policy workshop

This workshop is organised by the Austrian National Public Health Institute GÖG and Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment RIVM.


Date and time:

Monday 19 September 2022, 9:00 – 11:30 CET


  • To better understand which (national) policies have been implemented in relation to Foresighting to improve direct a/o indirect health impacts – also relating to COVID-19
  • To identify good and bad practices - which good practices in Europe can we highlight? Which gaps can we pinpoint?


Structure and agenda:

After a keynote introduction to the topic and a brief showcase of PHIRI Foresighting activities, there will be a moderated roundtable debate among decision-makers and addressees of forecasting from five European countries.


  • Welcome by the Chair (Claudia Habl, Austrian National Public Health Institue, GÖG)
  • Key Input by the Strategic Foresight and Capabilities Unit of the European Parliament (Lieve Van Woensel, Senior Foresight Adviser and Virginia Mahieu, Policy Analyst)
  • Overview of PHIRI Foresighting activities (Henk Hilderink, Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, RIVM)
  • Public Health Foresight in Portugal (Professor Dr. Luís Lapão, Universidade Nova de Lisboa UNL, Portugal)
  • Roundtable discussion with policy-makers (see discussants below)


Questions for discussion:

  • For which questions is Forecasting a suitable instrument?
  • Did any public health related foresight study recently take place in your country? If yes, what was the focus?
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, were any Foresight Studies conducted to help in the implementation of measures?
  • What kind of information would you like from Foresight? Or broader: What type of information do policy makers need to implement measures and set policy?
  • Think of Foresighting or scenario building processes in your country – what went well and what should be avoided in the future?
  • What are the necessary frameworks/settings to ensure that Foresighting is accepted well by policymakers?
    • Who has a mandate to do it “officially”?
    • What is the translation method that policymakers understand best and accept the most?
    • How we can ensure that priorities derived from Foresighting are sustainable over time?
  • Process related questions (e.g., whom to involve, timelines, qualitative or quantitative approaches, how important is the role of indicators/data?)


Roundtable discussants:

  • Spain:  Diego Rubio, Director, Spanish National Office of Foresight & Strategy
  • Professor Dr. Neville Calleja, Head of Directorate for Health Information and Statistics, Ministry of Health, Malta
  • Judith delle Grazie, Head of Department for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, Austria
  • Diego Rubio, Director of Spanish National Office of Foresight & Strategy, Spain
  • Hungary: (name tbc by OKFO)
  • N.N., Directorate-General of Health (DGS), Ministry of Health, Portugal




Who should attend:

Policy makers, researchers, knowledge brokers working on Foresighting or interested in results of Foresighting

Phiri news pubdate
Updated on 19 September 2022