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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on October 27, 2022
Phiri news description
Towards foresight informed policy making - PHIRI sustainability workshop on foresight & policy Barthelemy.Mor… Wed, 07/13/2022 - 12:00

PHIRI policy workshop

This workshop is organised by the Austrian National Public Health Institute GÖG and Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment RIVM.

The presentations from the different speakers are now available!


Date and time:

Monday 19 September 2022, 9:00 – 11:30 CET


  • To better understand which (national) policies have been implemented in relation to Foresighting to improve direct a/o indirect health impacts – also relating to COVID-19
  • To identify good and bad practices - which good practices in Europe can we highlight? Which gaps can we pinpoint?


Structure and agenda:

After a keynote introduction to the topic and a brief showcase of PHIRI Foresighting activities, there will be a moderated roundtable debate among decision-makers and addressees of forecasting from five European countries.

  • Welcome by the Chair: Claudia Habl, Austrian National Public Health Institue, GÖG
  • Key Input by the Strategic Foresight and Capabilities Unit of the European Parliament: Lieve Van Woensel, Senior Foresight Adviser and Virginia Mahieu, Policy Analyst
  • Overview of PHIRI Foresighting activities: Henk Hilderink, Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, RIVM
  • Public Health Foresight in Portugal: Professor Dr. Luís Lapão, Universidade Nova de Lisboa UNL, Portugal
  • Roundtable discussion with policy-makers (see discussants below)


Questions for discussion:

  • For which questions is Forecasting a suitable instrument?
  • Did any public health related foresight study recently take place in your country? If yes, what was the focus?
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, were any Foresight Studies conducted to help in the implementation of measures?
  • What kind of information would you like from Foresight? Or broader: What type of information do policy makers need to implement measures and set policy?
  • Think of Foresighting or scenario building processes in your country – what went well and what should be avoided in the future?
  • What are the necessary frameworks/settings to ensure that Foresighting is accepted well by policymakers?
    • Who has a mandate to do it “officially”?
    • What is the translation method that policymakers understand best and accept the most?
    • How we can ensure that priorities derived from Foresighting are sustainable over time?
  • Process related questions (e.g., whom to involve, timelines, qualitative or quantitative approaches, how important is the role of indicators/data?)


Roundtable discussants:

  • Spain:  Diego Rubio, Director, Spanish National Office of Foresight & Strategy
  • Professor Dr. Neville Calleja, Head of Directorate for Health Information and Statistics, Ministry of Health, Malta
  • Judith delle Grazie, Head of Department for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, Austria
  • Diego Rubio, Director of Spanish National Office of Foresight & Strategy, Spain
  • Hungary: (name tbc by OKFO)
  • N.N., Directorate-General of Health (DGS), Ministry of Health, Portugal




Who should attend:

Policy makers, researchers, knowledge brokers working on Foresighting or interested in results of Foresighting

Phiri news pubdate
Updated on 16 January 2023