What are the most relevant diseases in a country? Which risk factors are the strongest contributors to disease and death? How is the impact of different diseases evolving over time, and how does it compare between countries and within subnational units? As the need for prioritising the use of available resources constantly increases, a timely, sound and comprehensive answer to these fundamental questions is more than ever needed to inform public health decision making. Driven by the impact of the Global Burden of Disease study, several researchers and national and international health institutes have adopted the burden of disease approach to address these questions.
The complexity of the burden of disease approach however resulted in major disparities in research capacity across Europe. Furthermore, the current burden of disease landscape remains scattered, and researchers struggle to translate their findings to decision makers. The burden-eu COST Action will address these challenges by acting as a technical platform for integrating and strengthening capacity in burden of disease assessment across Europe and beyond. To achieve this mission, the Action is cooperating with the European Burden of Disease Network of the WHO Regional Office for Europe.
Research coordination objectives
- To bring together experts and expertise across different domains, transforming the currently scattered burden of disease landscape into one transnational team.
- To compare and harmonize methods and approaches for burden of disease assessment.
- To identify critical knowledge and data gaps, and set up studies for which international coordination is needed.
- To serve as an advocacy group for the burden of disease approach in Europe.
Capacity building objectives
- To build and increase capacity in burden of disease assessment across Europe. The Action will have an explicit focus on the involvement of specific target groups, including Early Career Investigators, the under-represented gender, and teams and countries with less capacity in the field of burden of disease.
- To serve as a technical platform where knowledge and expertise can be shared among established and emerging researchers.
- To promote an interdisciplinary approach that integrates knowledge translation in the classical burden of disease framework.
Institution | Country | Website |
Nacionalni Inštitut za Javno Zdravje (NIJZ) | Slovenia | Nacionalni Inštitut za Javno Zdravje (NIJZ) - National Institute of Public Heal… |
ROBERT KOCH-INSTITUT | Germany | https://www.rki.de/EN/Home/homepage_node.html |
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) | Netherlands | https://www.rivm.nl |
National Food Institute - Danish Technical University | Denmark | https://www.food.dtu.dk/english |
Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam | Netherlands | https://www.erasmusmc.nl/ |
University of Belgrade | Serbia | http://www.bg.ac.rs/en/ |
Public Health Scotland | United Kingdom | https://www.publichealthscotland.scot/ |
Trnava University | Slovakia | https://www.truni.sk/en |
Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge | Portugal | http://www.insa.pt/ |
German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) | Germany | https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/en |
Health Services Research Centre (Cyprus) | Cyprus | https://www.healthresearch.cy/en/ |
Sciensano | Belgium | https://www.sciensano.be/en/about-sciensano/sciensanos-organogram/eu-health-inf… |
Ministere De La Sante | Luxembourg | https://msan.gouvernement.lu/fr.html |
Comenius University (Slovakia) | Slovakia | https://uniba.sk/en/ |
University of Aveiro (Portugal) | Portugal | https://www.ua.pt/ |
FOLKEHELSEINSTITUTTET | Norway | Norwegian Institute of Public Health |
Santé Publique France | France | https://www.santepubliquefrance.fr/ |
Higienos Institutas | Lithuania | https://www.hi.lt/en/ |
University of Debrecen (Hungary) | Hungary | https://www.edu.unideb.hu/ |
Istituto Superiore di Sanità-ISS | Italy | https://www.iss.it |
Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food | Croatia | https://www.hapih.hr/en/ |
Aarhus University | Denmark | http://ph.au.dk/en |
Public Health Institute of the Republic of Srpska - ЈZU Institut zа јаvnо zdrаvstvо Rеpublikе Srpskе (Bosnia and Herzegovina) | Bosnia and Herzegovina | https://www.phi.rs.ba/index.php |
KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET | Sweden | https://ki.se/en |
Democritus University of Thrace (Greece) | Greece | https://duth.gr/en |
Medical School, North Macedonia | North Macedonia | https://www.ukim.edu.mk/en_index.php |
The Oncology Institute "Prof. Dr. Ion Chiricuţă”, Romania | Romania | http://www.old.iocn.ro/en |
University of Medicine, Albania | Albania | http://umed.edu.al/ |
Luxembourg Institute of Health | Luxembourg | https://www.lih.lu/ |
Baskent University, Turkey | Turkey | https://www.baskent.edu.tr/en/ |
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland - THL | Finland | https://www.thl.fi |
Reykjavik University, Iceland | Iceland | https://en.ru.is/ |
Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions - Hauptverband der österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger (Austria) | Austria | http://www.hauptverband.at/ |
SLIMIBU PROFILAKSES UN KONTROLES CENTRS | Latvia | https://www.spkc.gov.lv/lv |
Public Health England | United Kingdom | https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/public-health-england |
Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain | Spain | https://www.upo.es/portal/impe/web/portada/index.html |
Jagiellonian University Medical College, Poland | Poland | https://en.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/start |
Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria | Bulgaria | https://www.mu-varna.bg/EN |
University of Novi Sad, Serbia | Serbia | https://www.uns.ac.rs/index.php/en/ |